Rolled 1, 3, 10, 8, 9, 1, 2, 9, 2, 4, 6, 1 = 56 (12d10)
>>5626741... Huh.
Where'd you find a crate of VSE stimulants? They're . . . Pretty rare. I mean: not impossible to get or anything, but, just, I mean, it's fairly costly in the coffee-shops. Years wages, a little more. Usually there's a queue and an honour system. Heard a genuine fist-fight broke out once over who got first serving from the first ready batch that summer. Philosophy students, am I right? There's this place near the Bellline river in Vanadin that serves long-boiled Bluest with a touch of Reiksmead and aahhh that takes me back. These things are pretty rare since the war. Apparently you need to be on Ghellis' Invitational List to source some reliably.
... Thanks. I... Hm. I wasn't expecting anyone to actually get me some coffee. I mean, Toby tried and he's really dashing and handsome and such but I think he got distracted heroically fighting off some hounds. Thanks. I don't know what to say.
Oh, I do know: Duck, I need to try to shoot a spider. Also stand still I think there's one on your face.
What is that on your face <span class="mu-i">anyway</span>, it's new. I almost didn't hear you come in, and I don't think it's because you avoided the bell-wires. I see one of them wrapped around your boots. Hmm.
Looks pretty stretchy. And I don't like how the shadows all got longer the moment you walked through the door. I bet there's a book I've read about this...
As for getting faster, I know just the trick. There's an... Uhm... Special Technique that you can only learn if you can <span class="mu-i">catch the spiders crawling all over my papers</span>. Okay I'm obviously lying, didn't phase your for a second, seriously, get them off my papers. SHOO.
>.... 1/2