>>5417148>>5417152 (I'll sus out the stats tomorrow, I'm turning in for the night right now. I wouldn't mind some help with the stats, if anyone can lend a hand. I think I got it, though. This won't be perfect by any stretch, as long as I'm DM'ing, but we will have a leetle fon.)>>5417156The Bootyholder winks at you, but won't give in to any of your sexual advances. It's incredibly beat up, not really in the mood for sexy time, seeing as it's at 10% HP. (2/20)
Even with your wiener and balls ablaze with hot cum ready to spurt, and blood rushing through all the veins, cooler heads prevail, and you decide you don't want to fuck this ancient, decrepit rapist abomination after all. You're still not 100% certain what set of genitals it has, if any.
You keep an eye on the Bootyholder as it rests up, and you scan the room.
The giant mushrooms are an edible species you recognize from your Necromycology 102 class, good for restoring HP and fending off the Undead. Usually you only see samples in Pigsnorts in corked glass jars. You stock up your satchel with some decent chunks of the stuff for the hell of it.
You examine the shiny object you saw earlier, and find that it is an elaborate entrance to what appears to be a tomb. Though it is originally a golden, bejeweled setup, it's been roughly boarded up to prevent entry... Or escape.
You look back the way you came, through the wooden door with the passage back to Pigsnorts. Then you look to the opposite end of the cave. Behind the recovering Bootyholder is a narrow shaft with a whistling breeze passing through it, lined with lanterns that look like they haven't been lit in ages.
You ask the Bootyholder for information or instruction, still not entirely sure you can trust it. It seems to understand you, and goes into a very long, winding explanation of this area, and even tells you a little bit about its past and its upbringing. Too bad you don't speak Quevquel, so it just sounds like void-nails on a spirit-chalkboard to you. You have to scream at it to stop. You figure it'd be best not to ask it any more questions until you figure out how to translate. (You understood it earlier because you were under several of the Bootyholder's spells, including a magic blocking spell and an offensive hallucinatory spell, once you touched the door and entered the lair.)
What do you do now? Where do you go?
>Leave this crypt now, and go back to Pigsnorts to tell everyone what happened.>Investigate the windy shaft with the lanterns.>Investigate the boarded up shaft lined in gold.>Stay here and spend time with the Bootyholder before making your next move.Any other actions? [i.e., eat mushroom, give Bootyholder mushroom, attack Bootyholder, rape the Bootyholder (it's consensual rape, they raped you first), ask Bootyholder to cause you to hallucinate again and enter your mind, jerk off, etc.]