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>>5341324<span class="mu-s">Yucatán Peninsula, Mexico</span>
This region of Mexico is out of the way and mostly devoid of resources. Drugs are not really produced or transported in this area, but the Jungle would make for difficult fighting.
The locals are the "Mayans", who remain almost entirely "Indian" and highly religious, mixed race farmers. Due to their usual poor treatment or desire for isolation, these areas are Code Yellow for anti-state activity. Currently, the area is peaceful, but there is concerns of hostile groups moving into the area and recruiting.
Nearby is Central America, which currently is "Neutral", but is filled with Drug Lords, Right Wing Militias, Far Left Revolutionaries, and wannabe Dictators.
<span class="mu-r">The Far Left is risky for linking up with "Movimiento de las Fuerzas Libres Gran Colombianas" (Movement of the Gran Colombian Free Forces)</span>
<span class="mu-g">The Drug Lords, Right wing Militias, and Dictators are at risk for linking up with Brazil Sponsored Factions in South America</span>
<span class="mu-s">Venezuela</span>
In the 2010s, the local government managed to piss off it's own people, while also making enemies with both The United States and the KNG. Naturally, neither of the Superpowers did anything to prevent a revolution, and it's suspected that the "revolution" had elements of a coup. The current regime is aligned with both Superpowers, which maintain an unease balance of power.
The area is full of oil, half of which is pumped by Petroleum Supply Corporations (Owner of Exxon Mobile, Shell, Maginoil, BP) and the other half is pumped by Nezavisimaja Energija (Owner of all nuclear power plants, natural gas, and petroleum from Poland to Siberia) (Neza-Vis-Ih-Maya En-Er-Geh). The two corporations got into a bidding war over the rights to "Cellulose Ethanol" technology (Ethanol from Switchgrass or Yardwaste), and both of them currently have sizable private armies.