>>6190750“A fight? No, this is an extermination. This perfect strength knows no limits.” the god declares boldly. “I am justice incarnate!”
“Oh yeah? Let's see which is stronger then! Your divine justice, or victory incarnate!” Chaya roars, azure aura blazing. However, as her aura grows, you start to notice something. The outside edge of her aura, suddenly begins to glow with a slight crimson outline.
You watch, confused and intrigued as the red glow turns brighter and brighter, Chaya raising her arms and crossing them before her. And, with a roar, shouts something you've never heard before.
“KAIO-KEN!!” she bellows, and a SECOND aura blazes to life around her blue one. This one is a bright red, contrasting with her azure, divine aura. The pressure her power is exerting doubles, sending you tumbling back for a couple dozen yards before you can right yourself, bracing against the unbelievable pressure she's now emitting. However, even with this shocking display, it isn't enough. It doesn't feel as overwhelming as the fused warrior's power, was she being overconfident?
“What is this?” Zamasu asks, seeming more curious than worried about what she's done. “What is this, what have you done? How did your power suddenly double?”
“I told you, I'm the Goddess of Victory.” Chaya says, still seeming confident. You aren't sure who's more confident between the two of them, but as Chaya continues speaking, you realize that she's truly been holding back this entire time. “And while Super Saiyan Blue is all about power through extreme control, but now combining that with the calming focus of the Kaio-Ken, there's no telling how far my power can go! But right now I'll give you everything I've got! Ready yourself, because this ends now! HRRRRAAAAAAAAAAA!!”
Her aura continues to blaze, the crimson glow turning brighter and brighter as the pressure she's emitting continues to rise. The planet itself even begins to tremble, the air thrumming with power. The pressure increases more and more, doubling and doubling again as you see just how far she can push her power.
“TIMES TEEEEAÆEEEEEEEEN!!” she screams, voice tearing as the world turns crimson. Bathed in her overwhelming, unstoppable power, turning everything into shades of red. “<span class="mu-s">KAIO-KEN TIMES TEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAN!!</span>”
“WHA-?!” the fused warrior exclaims, only for Chaya to suddenly be where they were, and several buildings crashing down in the direction of her outstretched fist.
“Woah.” you say, feeling your heart skip a beat. You knew she was stronger and faster than you by a lot, but so fast you can't even TRACK her movements? And you thought she couldn't be more attractive before. “Nice hit, Chaya!”
To which she turns back towards you, veins bulging on her head as she grins. The stress of this power clear on her face but she's clearly able to handle it.