Fallout: A Deathclaw in the Wild Wasteland
Richie Radroach ID:Ak0CZOe+ No.5734060 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Two hundred years have passed since the bombs fell. Society was destroyed. But man persevered, willing to go to great lengths for survival and progress. Some would argue that they go too far.
You are a deathclaw, a walking engine of reptilian destruction. An apex predator. But you are SPECIAL. Those humans who go too far for progress? Some Poindexter thought it'd be a swell idea to experiment and make deathclaws more intelligent. Able to read, talk, understand emotion, history, sciences. Like a human. But in a giant lizard suit!
Of course it wasn't perfect. Nothing ever is, even after simulations and live tests. But you have gained sentience and intelligence. Whether through a careful and nurturing upbringing, or caught in the wild and stuffed into a tank full of the Forced Evolutionary Virus, you have ascended. And escaped. The lone deathclaw who can speak and think like a human.
The air is different, you think for the umpteenth time, inhaling through your nostrils and flicking out your tongue. You can’t decide whether you miss the taste of filtered air back home or not. Your mind wanders to your Origin…
>Vote for one option.
>1. Enclave - Captured young and given the Forced Evolutionary Virus. One of the few subjects to survive this particular strain, he was given proper training with an arm mounted Energy Weapon and Survival for long ranging missions. Before escaping, you absconded with safe house pass codes, able to access them across the wasteland.
>2. Institute - You're a synthclaw! Made as a bio-organic weapon, you have gained sentience and self-determination. You left the Institute to forge a path for yourself. Gain skill in both Science and Repair. You do not need to eat, sleep or drink to survive, but these three activities do help reenergize you.
>3. Vault - Raised in Vault 123 and brought up alongside humans, you were taught basic human functions and social skills. Despite your species’ tendency toward violence, you were taught the benefits of peaceful resolution. You were taught the ways of Speech and Medicine, especially when it comes to human speech and medical knowledge of the human body.