>>5775799>>5775821>>5775898>>5775931>>5775956Seeking out your father, Dagur Khan, with the letter seems like the most honorable course. As the leader, he deserves to know of his brother's betrayal. You rush through the maze of tents, your feet pounding the earth, the damning letter clutched tightly in your hand. Your heart races as you locate your father, finding him in the company of one of his younger concubines, their intimate moment interrupted by your urgency. "Father, you must see this," you state, holding the letter out to him. The gravity in your voice leaves no room for hesitation. The lines on your father's face deepen as he scans the treacherous words, a storm brewing in his once-calm eyes. "This... this cannot be," he whispers, the disbelief evident in his voice. Yet the truth is undeniable, and both of you recognize the weight of the revelation. Without wasting another moment, he summons the guards, issuing a rapid-fire set of commands to detain your uncle, the spy passing the letters between him and the Bataar, and the other conspirators. By dawn, the traitorous spy, under the pressure of torture, spills every detail. By morning, the council tent, filled with the horde's revered elders and influential members, buzzes with anxious murmurs. As the sun breaks, your father rises, his voice echoing with a combination of pain and authority. "These spies sought to betray our great horde to the Bataar. Their punishment is clear: death." A murmur ripples through the crowd, the weight of his decision weighing heavy. A hushed silence falls, broken only by the fiery voice of your mother, Gura. "But what of your brother? His treachery could've led to the death of our son!" Her eyes blaze, focused squarely on Turag. Your father's gaze flits downward, his voice soft, filled with sorrow. "Turag has betrayed not just the horde but his own blood. He shall be exiled, banished from our horde forever." Your mother's face contorts with anger, her voice cutting through the air. "Exile? It's a lenient sentence for one who'd have seen your heir's blood spilled! Turag should meet the same end as the others." The tent brims with tension, every eye locked onto your father. But, in an unexpected move, he turns to you, weighing the future of the horde against the ties of blood. "Tarkhan, one day the weight of leadership will be yours. If you stood in my place now, what would your judgment be?"
>Death: "Betrayal of the tribe, betrayal of the family, cannot go unpunished. His actions endangered us all. Death would serve as a lesson for anyone who dares to tread this path in the future.">Exile: "Though his treachery is undeniable, he is still your brother, Father, and my uncle. We could exile him, ensuring he never steps foot within our lands. Alone, without the support of his tribe, he'll suffer the weight of his actions."