>>5199775You haven't eaten all night, and hunger pains you as you enter your palace quarters, thinking after washing the blood and grime from your body you might go to the kitchen yourself to beg at least some bread at this late hour. Refreshed from the cleansing after some time, you leave the side room to find a fresh meal of mutton and a hearty soup on the table near your door, a note and some ale beside. You break the nondescript seal and read.
You've been going without ceasing. Please, eat and rest. I admire your determination but no one wants you to collapse mid day because you kept going when you should not. Rest your arm, and your mind, we will begin again tomorrow. If you swoon next time we are in the dungeon, I quite literally will not be able to carry you.
Yours, Alys
The chair creaks as you sit into it, and begin to lay into the food and drink. Alys is right, of course. You have ever neglected yourself for your duty, but there would be no one else to blame were you to weaken or fall ill because of your own bullheaded negligence. You resolve to thank the woman when you can. Far away from the only family remaining to you it's clear she is the one who seems to look out for your health. You take comfort in this as sleep claims you moments later, sprawled across the bed with the sheets given no mind.