You are scrolling through these posts when you notice two bizarrely attired women approaching from this corridor. You are fairly confident they are not occupants from within this building, and you remember that the security guards were searching this floor earlier. You instinctively nickname the intruder with a purple sidecut Danger Hair and the other as Slob Girl. You notice they have tattoos.
Danger Hair is gawking a little at the lavish corporate interior:
There is so much stuff here... I heard there is a fashion show, a tech conference, an art gallery, some archaeological artifact museum exhibition... this tower literally has everything! These billionaires have everything! This must be what it is like to be ultra rich... you just experience all this stuff, and never even pay for anything... nobody even asks you for money when you belong, everything just happens for free... this is incredible...
The Slob Woman attempts to hush Danger Hair:
Sshhh! Have you forgotten there are riot guards patrolling everywhere? Keep your voice down! Sshhh! And we cannot let them find out about the secret entrance! Now see if there is any stuff we can grab, and let us quickly move on!
Danger Hair giggles a little:
Oh I think I can wrestle any man down. I am pretty strong. But I hope I do not encounter that strange movie producer. You know, the one who makes all the goth music and horror films. They say he prowls hotel corridors in a bathrobe preying on beautiful actresses, young women... this would never happen in real life! It is not like there is some actual creepy film producer in real life that would go around for years undetected molesting women! But I heard he got really into horror films and stuff. He performed some demonic ritual and filmed it - he believes he cannot die now... He has to sacrifice people to stay immortal, and film them...
Slob Girl is really scared -
Sshhhh! Don't say it! Don't say his name! I saw this horror film! If you say his name loud enough, he appears and tortures and mutilates and kills everyone! Let's just get out of here!
>Umm... this secret entrance / exit... er... where is it exactly?>Er... nice...tattoos? Do you know anything about this tattoo machine... ( >>5123502 )>Er... down with capitalism, um, kill all the vampires etc. Could I maybe follow you around and see where you are going? (try and persuade Danger Hair and Slob Girl to join your party. They can direct you to locations eg the fashion show, tech conference, art gallery, archaeology museum etc)>Would you like this free gun to defend yourself from undead horror film producers who molest women? (trade them your spare USP45 - perhaps they might have an item in return? Bonus: write-in if you provide them with some spare ammunition out of your .45 ACP 12/12 magazine, they may trust you even more)