>>5356681“He… I know I hurt him, emotionally, in our final weeks together. I… Neglected a bond which we had established, a unique camaraderie which he had come to rely upon. I was enamoured with the attention of the elves… Of Jazkarmel.”
Olu smiles slightly at that, chuckling quietly at fond memories in spite of this admission; the bitter guilt which mars his expression afterwards shows that the irony is not lost on him.
“I convinced myself that it was for both HIS well-being as well as mine—that it would buy him greater acceptance among the Drow. And it did, did it not?”
He laughs again.
“He earned his redemption at the cost of… Everything else. And then he died, alone, without my ever having made things right.”
“He died bravely, alongside fellow warriors,” you try to assure the half-human.
“It is not the same,” Olu protests softly. “He could have lived, perhaps, if I had been there. Or he could have died with a.. A friend.”
His hand finds the harp which he now carries, banged up in the battle and the tunnel-collapse.
“I will never hear his music again. And… I cannot recreate it, try as I might.”
How do you respond?
>Olu is right: this IS silly, mammalian drivel! Smash the harp and admonish him to do better>Empathize, and share your religious experience—you miss Paeris, also, but he is in a better place>Awkwardly dismiss him without any further questions—this entire experience has made you uncomfortable>Propose that Karz and Olu practice musical theory together—maybe Karz can better his magic as Olu betters his music, and he can find solace there?>Write-in