, you muse as you abandon the dystopia surrounding you and stare upwards at the gleaming midday sun instead, that sounds good right about now…
Wincing at the oppressive light pounding onto you from above, you can’t help but feel a little nauseous again… it’s too hot, the A/C’s not working right, you can feel sweat start to cover your back as your brother’s jacket and the molten leather seat presses into it, the seatbelt’s cutting into your stomach and Mitzi’s trying and failing to hum along to a song you can’t quite place crackling through the radio.
Feeling a buzz in your pocket, you sift through the dozens of work-related messages and the photos Christy sent you of her and a <span class="mu-i">frighteningly</span> cheerful-looking Blumenkrantz on that fishing trip she organized to find yourself staring at Talbot’s newest message to you:
‘<span class="mu-i">did u no the guy who playd Ruster in Blade Brothers also is the dragon in Forgotten Quest? just found out :3’
Stuffing the phone back into your jacket pocket with a dismissive sigh, you relish the discomfort around you with a smile forming on your face.
Things might not be perfect. Or amazing. Hell, you get the feeling they’re gonna go back to shit any day now, but whatever tomorrow brings, you’ve earned it. Not by lottery, birthright, or anything lame like that, but with a few truckloads of your own blood, sweat, and tears… not to mention two heaping handfuls of luck…
Placing your hand on your belly, you can almost feel whoever’s in there reaching for your fingers.
Yea… It’s not perfect, you mutter to no one in particular, but it’s yours...
And that’s just fine by you.
<span class="mu-r">END OF PART 20</span>
<span class="mu-g">ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: OVERTIME</span>
<span class="mu-g">ACHIEVEMENT UNLOCKED: BONES QUEST</span></span>