>>5650479>>5650646>>5650686>>5650743>>5650927>Let them be. Maybe Emma will do something.You slap the bucket aside and take the Law of Cycles out of your pocket and- no. Not yet. Must. Be. Brave; for Emma. But why? Why is this so hard? Maybe that’s the point and if it wasn’t hard there wouldn’t be anything in this for her. Whatever the case, it’s like you are suffering on her behalf as well. It’s just like watching a TV drama again, after eons!
You giddy up. Alright Emma, do your thing! Stop Angel!
▲ Camila: Emma?!
▲ Emma: B-Bwaaah! What?
Wrists to her waist, Camila is giving Emma /the look/.
▲ Camila: This time it /IS/ stealing- right?!
Angel just stares as Emma looks at her friends one by one- and then her twin goes into ‘hmmm’ mode.
▲ Emma: I-think-it’s-not-that-bad.
▲ Marcela: Our moral compass broke! Bring the monkey wrench!
▲ Camila: What the hell! What is this? Now you are justifying theft?!
▲ Emma: Oh it’s- it’s just the way I see it, haha! Sorry!
She scratches her head nervously.
▲ Emma: You see, at some point, nothing belonged to anyone, but then people decided that because they saw it first it belonged to them! Now isn’t that ridiculous? And if that was the case, then the land would belong to the animals that came long before us, or even the natives! So, um, I… don’t think private property makes much sense?
▲ Camila: Y-you know Emma, you can be scary sometimes!!
Angel: Sugar, why can’t you be honest with yourself?
▲ Emma: Huh?!
Angel: I’m talking to Camila. You are scared. If you had a tail it would be between your legs.
Which are shaking all so slightly.
▲ Camila: It’s cold, you dumbass! You are the benchmark of all dumbasses if you think that! Would you still think that if I punched you in the face?
Angel: Yup.
…They all turn to Karuna, who still hadn’t said a word.
▲ Karuna: Maybe… it could be fun?
▲ Marcela: Girl, you so right! This could be fun!
All Camila does given the prospect and context is sigh.
▲ Camila: What’s next, robbing a bank? Kidnapping the President? WAIT, is that why you want to be a cop?
Angel: I’m going in.
You slam the biggest popcorn case ever against your chest and begin to frantically and desperately mow down its contents. Emma, you were supposed to stop your evil twin! Not just let the waves sweep you from under your feet! But then you stop and ponder, what if… What if this is what Emma wants?
It’s so hard to tell.