>>6160502>>6160623>>6160661>>6160671>>6160672“Femi, Naza, Sotrea, destroy those staffs maintaining the barrier. Shamel shore up the barricade, make sure nothing gets through. I will take care of the Shadow Beasts.” Impa orders and the team splits. Shamel grabbing another box to add to the pile and the rest scouring the room for more staffs.
Across from Impa the Shadow Beast finishes taking form. Similar in appearance to the other beasts, this one appears to be slightly larger and its mask rather than being stone is a large well-polished shield of metal. Ignoring Impa the beast heads for the barricade.
“No you don’t.” Impa growls pulling out a thin length of chain and throwing it about the beast. The chain wraps around the beast’s right wrist and neck, and with a sharp pull Impa pins the beast hand to its face and causes it to teeter back as it ascends the barricade. Using its free hand the beast hurls a box from the barricade back at Impa. Still attempting to restrain the beast, she fails to wholly dodge the attack and the box strikes a glancing blow off her shoulder, making her grunt in pain and allowing the beast to finish its ascent.
>Impa suffers 3 damage, 21/24 HP remainsRecovering from the blow Impa hooks her chain around the shelf they’d toppled onto the barricade, and using her leverage yanks the beasts head down pining it to the barricade. The beast thrashes trying to free itself, but Impa holds firm keeping it in place.
Select your Stance.
>Killing Blow: If your opponent’s combined Power, Wisdom, and Courage are less than your Wisdom and you are not *COUNTERED* kills your target instantly.>Close Combat: Negates enemy equipment bonuses, and forces them to use Power for their Defense instead of Courage.>Unrelenting Flurry: Doubles Momentum Bonus this round increases cap from 3 to 6>Focused Blows: Doubles unblocked damageManeuver
>Precision Strike: Weaken – Halves enemy Power for the rest of the fight (unless COUNTERED)>Precision Strike: Immobilize - Halves enemy Wisdom for the rest of the fight (unless COUNTERED)>Precision Strike: Crush Guard - Halves enemy Courage for the rest of the fight (unless COUNTERED)>Chain Bind: Immobilizes opponent with chains until they break free, or this stance is COUNTERED>Shifting Shadow: Ignores enemies equipment bonuses, forces enemy to use Wisdom for their Defense instead of Courage.Defensive
>Flash Nut Disengage: User does no damage this round, User breaks contact with the enemy and be allowed to flee combat next round. If Enemy is COUNTERED, they will be blinded for one round.>Guardian Stance: Protects selected character, nullifying their combat round and forcing the user to take two attacks that round. (Specify the character you wish to protect with your vote)>Misty Stance: Uses Wisdom instead of Courage for Defense (When user COUNTERS the enemy uses Wisdom instead of Power for the user’s Attack)