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I have decided to draft up something stupid. The Direct-Intervention-Cannon Keeper (name WIP). Because fuck you and everything near you, we built a ship around a gun. With a little tinkering you could get sensor range to medium to keep up with the gun range. This was just an excuse to get a turbolaser onto a fighter sized craft. The purpose of this thing is basically an attacker craft. It's supposed to target heavy vessels or support ground operations by targeting vehicles or structures. Of course you can still shoot at infantry sized targets, their deaths will likely be instantaneous and painless (very humane). This is also why it has a mostly aerodynamic shape, so it can operate in atmosphere at high speeds to shoot, scoot, and repeat with its slower firing cycle. HOWEVER, it does not have a hyperdrive, so it needs a mothership to get around. Though this could easily be rectified by swapping out the shield generator and plugging in a hyperdrive and navicomputer/astromech slot, this would only remove its aft defense point.
In effect, it is a heavy strike craft that can engage for extended periods of time without needing to pull back to rearm like an ordinance-armed craft would. In exchange it isn't quite as able to take on massed infantry. Though I imagine having a turbolaser hit the ground anywhere near you would be disincentive enough to a footslogger to stay put and keep your head down. And against starships it's a mean little bastard that can hurt you no matter what you're flying.
I hope Keimann and the Mylar Star Alliance appreciates this very humble craft. It also is very capable of deleting even the largest of trees. Well maybe not the largest, fuck you Wroshyr trees.