Apologies again for the delay, some more problems at work, but we're back
>>5942108The following day, there’s a meeting at the Lookout with mom trying to get everyone up to speed on what’s been going on. Most of it you heard earlier, this is just giving more detail. What you weren’t expecting were the results of Izzy’s expedition. The sunken Nemurian ruins not only ended up containing living, self-proclaimed royalty, but a Nemurian mage as well, in addition to the twisted fragment of a broken eldritch nightmare beast. Much worse though, Majin Ozotto’s on the move, having successfully stolen a Hakkero from Z’S with the help of… Fu.
The more positive note, Izzy’s mission was very fruitful in acquiring the Dreamstone needed for something pretty substantial: locating where your displaced allies might be. There is, however, a bit of a catch to it, in that you might need to prioritize one of them over the others. Additionally, there’s now the added wrinkle of the displaced robot planet and its moons, and… given that there’s likely some out there already looking for the Dragon Balls, learning about Dreamstone could cause a whole different set of problems.
And you, meanwhile…
>A. Are still there with them all filling in what you saw with the Cell Sentai and Hulud-Rah, figure that’s still pretty important>B. Let the adults handle most of this, you’re talking with Trip and King Yemma about this “Spirit Detective” idea>C. Eventually went off to visit Tommy, you said you would some time soon, after all>D. Something else?