Quoted By:
[All the Psyops monitoring the situation awaited the move of the acting commander, breaths held...]
[And to their relief, the idiot cat rejects the temptation of the Dark One's forces, angering evil itself... just not for the reason everyone was hoping for.]
[CATASTROVANIA] "While teaming up with the bad guys would be pretty badass... that's a trope that mostly occurs only in, ERGH, western, Siegesian comics! Glorious media such as anime never has writers making many morally bankrupt, grey antiheroes who compromise! Our ninjas are heroic warriors that wouldn't completely harm their character development by working with the likes of you! They're shounen protagonists that fight evil at every turn!"
[So barked she, through the comms of the team.]
[ENENRA] "wHAt...? WhAt IN THe hEll Are yOu rattLiNG On ABout?! I don'T UndErstAND!"
[Catastrovania again donned her shades, pushing them up her nostrils to reflect the light of her computer before interlocking her fingers, elbows on the desk. Her head leaned down a little to strike an intimidating pose.]
[CATASTROVANIA] "What I'm saying is, you're the antagonist. You're a monster. My ninjas are the protagonists. They're the heroes. The audience would be so confused if they faced such character assassination by working with you... and you would betray them nonetheless! No antagonist can be trusted. The director and his studio would receive death threats from the passionate, otaku audience!"
[ENENRA] "so You'RE NoT GonNa Take our DEAl? Is ThAt It?! theRE WIll bE huNDrEdS OF sAmUrAi! tHeY'lL slaUghTER YOu EASIlY! wiTH our helP, YOu StaNd A cHaNCe OF SuRViVIng! alL YoU hAVE tO DO IS sHOOT Those In rEd ANd LeT Us FeasT ON TheiR BrAINS! If YoU tUrn ME DOWn, I'lL maKE Sure YOu dOn't leAVe THIS PlaCe AlIve, EVen if You blow The GAS oN US! WE ARE DEMONS! WE ARE BEYOND YOUR MORTAL COMPREHENSION, YOU SHOULD DO WELL TO HEED US, FOOLS!"
[CATASTROVANIA] "Kill those in red, huh? Tch... good grief... and the Khanate's symbol is red, isn't it? The way I see it, both you and the Samurai are antagonists, and the shounen protag ninjas will take care of you..."
[Catastrovania suddenly stood up all of a sudden, sending her computer chair sliding back. She held a finger to the air after changing her black rim shades out for another orange pair of glasses that looked more like a boomerang on her face.]
The Siqariyim escorting the Tzel raised their laser rifles and fired. The shots went through the Smoke Youkai.
[ENENRA] "HaHahahahA! yoU FuCKINg mOrons! dID yoU foRget i'M maDE of SmOKe? yOU cAn't HurT mE! NOw, tHe SAmurai KnOw YOu're HERe!"
[CATASTROVANIA] "Of course, you're intangible, and the Samurai would be alerted either way, just as you said. HOWEVER... My ninja weren't aiming for you."
[ENENRA] "N-No wAy...!!!"
The silo caught afire.
It exploded. A wave of blue Qi compound came spilling out, soon spreading blue, poisonous gas as it touched flame.