>>6173104>>6173100<span class="mu-s">But Agent Octant</span> I don't know how to tell you to stop turning the safeties off of the highly unsafe multi-media full experience kit and uploading warped reality filters into people's brains! In real life, masked vigilante billionaires don't drop out of the rafters to safe people and if Agent Foldworth acts like it because he is completely and totally convinced that is going to be what happens then he is going to DIE. Or get HURT. Or something!
Yeah he might <span class="mu-i">coincidentally</span>along the way also act like an unflappble, stoic, witty and drily charming butler with impeccable timing! That is a defintive plus! But that stuff is easy to write, and he can come across as witty and charming because six petabytes of comic book and multimedia history makes you able to fire off quippy one-liners like nothing else. But then a Steel Viper is going to draw a knife on him, and in <span class="mu-i">the movies</span> they don't ever <span class="mu-i">stab you in the throat</span> but in <span class="mu-i">a real life bar fight</span> that's like, half of what they aim for. And then <span class="mu-i">Albert Farthingvalue</span>, unflappable intelligence aegnt commando Butler is going to try to parry a knife with a serving tray and that's actually <span class="mu-i">really hard, Agent</span> and then he's going to get a blade <span class="mu-s">shoved into his soft parts</span> and <span class="mu-s">choke to death on his OWN BLOOD</span> and the last thing he says before he dies is going to be something like
" Why, Mr. Nightsoar--- I--- It's been an honour to serve you... "
<span class="mu-i">Multimedia</span> isn't real life! Convincing people that the rules work like they do in movies is principally dangerous because it doesn't always work like in the movies! The villians don't hesitate as often and the bad guys don't come in masks and if you think you're an action hero you end up in a shootout with Crane Operatives and get shot! In a <span class="mu-s">script</span> the protagonists have script immunity!
You don't have script immunity, Agent! There isn't an author out here! If you dive behind a couch thinking it'll provide cover because "Well, he he he, it works in the movies!" you GET SHOT
Foldworth is currently displaying immaculate butlery manners to this entire club because he's acting vaguely like a butler <span class="mu-s">they've seen on media</span> so everyone think that's how butlers kinda work. And it kinda works! And it's a lot easier with a hundred subtle pushes to your brain to make you act certain ways, he certainly knows how to make fantastic tea right now, but what do you think he's going to do the moment someone draws a gun on him?
He's going to QUIP A ONELINER, Agent Octant!
He's going to say something droll, and witty, and vaguely charming, then try to beat the cur with a nearby tea-kettle!
It works real well in comics and multi-media stories because the authors always make sure that the tea-kettles and arm distances and impacts conveniently all line up because Mr. Farthingvalue cannot die on page 3.
Agent Fold <span class="mu-s">can</span>!