I know of a hill fort, not far from here, where our legion might rest and regather our thoughts. They are a rustic but welcoming people, who know only the idyll of seasons and harvest. We could reach them, before the long night descends.
>Consent to Korchun's proposal, move to the hill fort. All that will remain of the starship will be a smouldering crater blasted along the coast - if it has not already sunken beneath the waves.>Command that the men and the Legion immediately make for the starship downed at sea. Maybe you can reach it before anyone else does...>If this world once witnessed many battles and conquests from space, perhaps there could still be caches of abandoned armaments scattered around. Try and find a vantage point, and search for them.>Something else...?(QM: thank you also for this cool background lore and picture!
>>5824261 I really like it!)