>>5474912>>5474842>>5474756>>5474564>>5474550>>5474541>>5474519Your gaze flits briefly to the Novice, who is busying herself heckling the half-comprehending Karz Throat-singer, who wisely stares straight ahead and does not react to her provocations. This makes you recall countless such instances of taunting and mockery between the two of you over the years, beginning as her one-sided bullying until it graduated into your current back-and-forth, a sort of call-and-response that by now has taken on an almost jocular, playful dimension. Strangely, the thought makes yoru three-chambered heart feel… Warm.
In the end, you guess it doesn’t matter how she feels about you, you know how you feel about her.
“’Girlfriend’ does not translate to the Reptilian tongue,” you explain to the Duelist. “But… Yes. There is no other being I would rather dance with.”
You raise your voice a little, and switch briefly to the True Speech, adding: “Even if she IS a terrible dancer!”
The Novice Fleshweaver stop[s harassing your slave-apprentice long enough to glower at you, retorting: “I suppose some of us excel in matters of actual IMPORT and INTELELCT, rather than pointless mammalian FLAILING!”
The warm feeling within grows.
You take a break from the dance, suggesting that the Duelist do likewise. Reading the room, the dark elf takes the opportunity to go grab some refreshments; you sent the Throat-singer with her, leaving you and the Novice Fleshweaver alone.