Quoted By:
“Arrange yourselves!” Declared the Knight of the Realm who was near the front of the Men-At-Arms regiment that Lucian was apart of, “You will stand tall against the hordes when they come. Hold them for as long as you can so that your betters can run them down.”
Those were all the directions the Knight saw fit to give them. Already murmurs were breaking out among the men on what they were to see. They were unnerved for the unknown was coming upon them.
Lucian felt that there was another issue as he whispered towards Adok, “Sir Dwarf, why have you not left yet? Don’t the Lords need you?”
“Ha, I am only a guest at Duke Erart’s court.” The Dwarf pointed out with a smirk, “He cannot order a Runesmith like myself around as he can you and I have made no vows of subservience to him. Why I am on the battlefield is that I owe him that for the room and board he has given me.”
“I see… then we fight together?” Lucian asked for clarification.
“Aye, we are vow-bound allies. And because of our oaths, if one dies, the other can still fulfill it!” Pointed out the Dwarf.
“That's… um, I guess it makes sense.” Lucian said for it really felt weird to him, “What do you call that?”
“Honor! Honor of the Umgi!” Cheered the Dwarf as he batted his chest, “Just as the Dwarfs and Man have always been allies even after the death of both Kings we shall carry eachother after death. If I was to fail killing your Vampire I would need to join the slayers, and that would be a waste.”
“Ah, no time to explain Umgi.” The Dwarf pointed to the hill on the opposite side of the wide open plains, “They are coming!”
Lucian felt confused as such words were spoken. It came so sure however that Lucian placed both hands upon his Scythe upon the comment. He had to stare at the hill for minutes, but then he too could hear it.
It was the rampaging of feet, thousands of feet. Lucian soon paid witness as the Yeoman leading the horde became visible that a tide of light green accenting the grass came running across the hills.