>>5828412good to see you there newbQM, you keep on bringing me back, ever since unbroken empire (it was unironically my favorite quest i've been in as of yet) since you churn out bangers :D
but, i do have something important i wanna mention out in the air to all anons here.
personally, one thing which i think is kind of very important to point out right now. is that i think doing as we are right now doing in settling down is going to...kind of kill the story.
i know, it fully depends on the given story being told and the DM, and the players choose this themselves. but, i think it's a trap we set for ourselves.
as it is currently, we are going into empire building. basically playing stellaris more so than anything. and while i find this aspect fun as well. i think it's gonna kill the story if left unchecked. specifically because...well it's kind of done that to most stories that goes there. at least in my experience.
40k ai quest was from the ground up started like this, and has dissapeared after a quite impressive run actually, but it did. basically every kingdom game i've seen where the main focus has been on the building aspect of it. it eventually slows down the game, and the players will get tired because, well building games are kind of the same experience, just re-packaged in different themes.
i don't think that we can't try to do this for a time, but i caution anons from making it the focus of the quest. or at least the sole focus of the quest. i really think if we want to be able to do it, there also needs to be other types of things in between, like again traveling to different systems and furthering the story of what happened to the federation, and what pieces are left which we can pick up.
im not trying to say the story is bad right now, i mean damn, newb is being great with his longform posts. im just saying i think it might hurt in the long run if the story switches focus to being sedentary.