>>5899157>>5899158>>5899161You decide to check on Nothing's champion, Kira. Kira is a very wealthy and somewhat respected mage living in The Holy Fish Empire. She's also a weird freaky creep. Ever since Kira was a child she's been obsessed with the idea of "rejecting the species", as she calls it. What this basically means, is she's obsessed with modifying herself in such a way as to make it so that she no longer resembles any of the species that lives on Greeth. She wants to become a monster. This initially got her locked up in mental asylums, but the more wealth she attained through her career as a mage the more she was able to avoid being locked away.
Kira did not like the fact that The LHR began to move into The Holy Fish Empire, and she certainly did not like the fact the government hadn't been doing much about it. So she has decided to take matters into her own hands.
Seems she's kidnapped one of the high-ranking soldiers stationed at Fort Fidor, the old General Bark. What she plans to do with him you can only imagine.
>Interfere>Mess with>Talk>Help>Punish>Reward>Follow/check on another champion>Something else