>>6021334Thanks for the confirm, chief. Without further ado:
Orange arrows up first. Huscarls swing round to put some hurt on the warriors defending the size 3 settlement. One of my own chaos warrior units advances, takes some more damage, then kills a unit of enemy bondsmen. To the east a unit of my hung savages advances to kill the enemy bondsmen in the woods, then back up again in case there are more enemies behind them.
Greens go next. At the top of my line, the hung savages more forwards, kills the injured bondsmen, then back up to where the huscarls used to be. A unit of my bondmen advance to the edge of an enemy village marked with the question mark to shield my badly injured warriors from whatever might be in it. The warbeasts move up in the south and kill the unit of bondsmen out in the open.
Yellows move third. Other unit of huscarls comes down and finishes off the chaos warriors defending the big settlement. The bondsmen next to them, now free from combat, pull back to the north.
Last, purples. The chaos warriors move into the now empty size 3 settlement and get their loot on. The hung savages at the back run past them and murder some enemy bondsmen to provide further screening to my badly hurt chaos warriors.
The only unit guaranteed to be hurt is one of my chaos warriors, though probably also the bondsmen who move next to the question mark town. Hopefully its just an enemy bondsman in there. The enemy chaos warriors that remain unhurt will likely kill either some huscarls or savages of mine, but such is life in the chaos horde.
Perhaps that can be avoided by releasing some new 'volunteers' taken from their big settlement. The message this time shall go as follows: “The Tower of Varrl burns, your slain warriors pile high. Even the greatest among you cannot stop us. You seek a petty tribute to Karnath in this place, but I dream of a far greater one elsewhere. Join us and be a part of this glory.”