<span class="mu-i">''Just stress.''</span> You think to yourself. <span class="mu-i">''Life's been hectic lately.''</span>
For the first time, your family has a home and you have a little place to yourself. You may be living in a cabin but your parents tirelessly helped you labor to make it into a cozy little home with enough space for a bedroom and a living area for an atelier and a personal library; stepping out of your small (cozy, you even have a door!) bedroom reveal your little living area with a surprisingly thick wooden door (your dad had been quite insistent on this point) sheltering you from the outside world. Outside the few books you've lugged around... probably your entire life, the pride and joy of your cabin-for-a-home lay upon your only table.
>An atelier filled with hunting equipment and the material needed to fletch your arrows and, of course, potent alchemical materials for cleaning when you insist on butchering a catch. Your bow and various... rogueish equipment remain where they've always been: under that busy table. Your divine Focii takes a quiet spot on a shelve above your head.Primarily taught by your mother, you adopted her <span class="mu-r">rogue/ranger</span> talents with prodigious training in archery. Survival in forest and plains (the two largest biomes of the Allied Kingdoms) has also been drilled into you throughout your life and you're a natural sneak because you've been taught how to hunt.
[Archery] and [Sneaking] are your primary talents. Rogue/Ranger would be your class, your ability to use divine miracles is, unfortunately, reduced to only employing Mother Earth signature spell.
>Your Focii of Unity float lazily upon your altar of the parent gods, its connection to Mother Earth's magical web visible through the occasional golden strand shining into the bubble feeding magic into your precious artifact. The goddess influences carved lines on the table to keep its magical harmony, forming various drawings of trees, one of her sacred symbols, into the wood.Taught by your father, your connection to the divines started as an innate interest that slowly progressed into genuine dedication. Your body endured the harsh strain of divine miracles, and his studious teachings made you more than ready to be elevated beyond a mere novice, but you haven't gone through the trials for this yet.
[Divine Magic] is your primary talent, opening all of the novice spells of the gods but also the capability of <span class="mu-r">creating your own spells</span>. Unfortunately, your father remained tight-lipped about the secret of journeyman miracles. You also have strong endurance but I didn't want to list that as a talent, that comes with your training with divine influence. If the time comes for you to take a beating, you won't go down in one punch.
Given the importance of this choice, I won't impose its resolution right now. Type Class with your choice and I'll tally things for the next few days. For a deeper explanation of divine miracles