Rolled 1, 6, 9, 2, 8, 2, 4, 7, 10, 7, 4 = 60 (11d10)
>>5614986>Attributes:Hard 2 - HP 4/8
Cool 0[1] - Defense 4[6]
Sharp 0 - Edge 3/5 -> 0/5
Weird 3 - Crit on 7+
Move - 6
>Weapons and Gear:Pistol - Range 10, Dmg 2, Ammo 4/8
Fists - Melee, Dmg 2, +1 CRIT
Bat - Melee, Dmg 3, [Baseball]
Drug Kit - (1 AP, 2/2 Uses)
Stylish Clothes (Abhorrent Tie) - [DEF +1]
Cash - $225
>Move 3W 3S>Move 3S 3E>Ruiner: Attack Luis with Bat, Attack Ponytail with Bat, Attack Carmelita with Bat>Quick Strike Carmelita with Bat [-1 Edge]>Vault Attack Luis with Bat [-1 Edge] (Vault roll +1)Like clockwork, just as soon as Horace arrived he dashed out again for another bloody bout of mayhem. If nothing else he's always been punctual, taking some quiet pride in making the most of his expendable nature. If the candle is going to burn half as long, why not make it burn twice as bright?