...calculating meguca favorite tea, assembling meguca... ID:ZGyfiTgV No.5506368 View ViewReport Quoted By:
Rolled 81, 65, 60, 58, 79 = 343 (5d100)
Well what do you know! it happened a lot fucking faster than I thought ma ged nega- we got our very first automatic meguca chargen, this time for Rita! And boy, it's also the first non railroaded magical girl encounter we've ever had. Jesus.
Let's just like i mean do it
First, we roll for her magnitude. All of yguys are magnitude 4 currently and there are megucas up to magnitude 10, but random gen gucas can start at 7 with some luck. We'll be using the same rolls we use to generate Witches.
Second, her hometown, which means where she will be able to hunt in peace despite thinking factions are retarded.
Third, and this may mean jack shit to you guys, but not to me: her personality profile. This will take two rolls.
-First roll:
--First number: odds E, evens I
--Second Number: odds S, evens N
-Second roll:
--First number: odds T, evens F
--Second number: odds P, evens J
And fourth, her current mental state.
0 to 10: Happy
11 to 20: Motivated.
21 to 50: Normal
51 to 70: In Denial
71 to 85: Angry
86 to 95: Depressed
96 to 100: Ready
And the rest of her persona I will bullshit to my hearts desire. Stop me, I'll give you my address. Nah srsly im a little bitch