>>6037062>>6037064>>6037120>>6037373>Your scowl deepens as you listen on your set, doing your best to focus as your Appomatox barrels onwards, its tracks seemingly finding every pothole and loose rock on this blasted backwoods road. >The alert was sounded only minuets ago, a Lupar patrol sighted where their mangy snouts didn't belong. Sighted by a reservist group, your commander had almost dismissed them as drunks had two checkpoints not gone dark. >The militia had called in over the phone, of all things, and had only given the vaguest of intelligence before they hung up. Hung up! They had reported sightings of a few "infantry squads we think", and, supposedly, heard what *could* be a tracked vehicle. Maddeningly unhelpful.>You open a map and, while looking for where you will most likely trade blows with the enemy, go over your Platoon in your head to see what you can bring to bear...You are in command of a FSA Rifle platoon, consisting of your Appomattox (pic related) and three "Grumble" wheeled APC's each carrying a squad of State Grenadiers. At least one Militia squad will meet you at your destination. This brings you up to 65 points, with another 35 yet to be decided. Each of your APCs has room for a weapons team of your choice, or even a squad Desanting (riding on top of) at the cost of the APC not being able to fire its weapon until they disembark (Squads are considered to be the size of two Teams for transport). Another Option is to forgo extra weapon teams in order to bring up something heavier. Intelligence for the situation in incredibly questionable, the AEF while infantry focused does have tracked vehicles, but that could mean anything from a dinky universal carrier to one of their rare tanks. What could be brought to bear?
Grenadiers (line inf) - 10pts
Militia - 5pts
Mortar team (anti inf) - 10pts
ATGM (anti armor) - 10pts
Recoiless Rifle (general purpose) - 15pts
Rangers (scout snipers) -15pts
Bantam IFV - 20pts
Duck Light Tank - 20 pts
Runner ATGM carrier -20 pts
More options in the manual but these seem to be the best ones for the theme