“So, that is that boy's detection range.” you mutter to yourself, reclining in your new throne, replaying the transmission of the crew's last moments. Loyal followers, but expendable, you had sent a ship to both of the sons of Karn's star systems away from the detestable planet of the apes themselves. Watching how both handled your scouts. “I knew he would be a threat.”
“My glorious king, should we send more ships?” one of the Blarg's military advisors asks, his mind under your thumb along with most of the Blarg leadership. Enough that you're now quietly in control of their empire, ruling it from behind the scenes as the current 'Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman' continued to work as the face of Drek Industries, and the Blarg race. “We haven't even seen their vessels, or what these pirates are capable of.”
“What a few Covenant warships can do is of no consequence. Once I have Broly under my thumb, his power will make short work of them.” you reply, waving a hand dismissively as two courtesans each cling to one of your legs. A Twi'lek on your right and a Togruta on your left, both women pressing themselves suggestively against your current host body's muscular legs. “How close is the ship to the other world?”
“Still several days out, our king.” he replies, the screen shifting and showing a nearly-identical ship's interior, as well as the view out the front viewport as well. “At their current speed, they shall arrive within visual range of the planet within-”
But then he's interrupted as, suddenly, crystals you recognize through Raditz' memories as Chilli's magic begin appearing inside the ship, both crewmen turning in surprise as they form a humanoid shape. The crystals shatter, revealing not the son of Karn, as you'd been expecting. Instead, he appears in his immaterial form, one you know from Raditz' memories. The boy is smart, shedding his mortal flesh just in case you were on board, preventing you from taking possession of his body. You watch, curious, as his crystals expand, covering the crew as well as the interior of the ship. But then he turns, directly to the camera, peering directly into it. Almost as if he's looking right at you.
“Come near my family again. And I will kill you.” he says, ephemeral voice booming with power. Then, to your shock his crystals start expanding across YOUR screen in the room, the boy's magic somehow working through the camera feed before, with a grinding crunch and hiss, something internal fails and the screen shatters. Chunks of crystal and pieces of the display all rain down, several of the staff and officers shouting in surprise and concern. But all you can do is smirk, you can't wait to capture those two. Turning them against their family will be most enjoyable indeed.
-Saiyan Conqueror Quest 234 Epilogue End-