Quoted By:
Rolled 8, 4, 11, 5, 7, 2 = 37 (6d12)
The moment they're through the threshold, the Spike Goomba with the Globe Goomba, followed by the Glass Goomba, your new Globey hench identifies them as <span class="mu-b"> t r s p s s r s</span>. With no countermand from YOU, it starts materializing rockballs of ice and chucking them down range.
For their part, the Spikey goes up front, tanking, while their Globey just has ammo ready, advancing instead of yeeting to close distance.
You carnt really see much from behind the Sord Screen, but you imagine its going to be slow as fuck.
There's still two facets on the pinky Jool you haven't smudged. Not willing to wait until they get here, you smudge one when you make out that Glassy's in the room proppa.
>Rolled Terrain
The air mists suddenly from unseen water sources, and as quickly every surface is freezedried white. Then gapes and mirrors open up in the ceiling and alcoves, letting in cold light from a foreign sun.
Even from behind the Sord Screen it's almost painful to look at: a featureless glowing white, that if it hadn't dropped the temperature even more you might have supposed it was metal hotted melty.
>Previously Difficult Terrain increased the turns needed to reach the Sord Screen from 2 to 4.
>Ice Blind just doubled it to 8 turns distance
You can no longer tell what's going on, only head the methodical <span class="mu-b">d u n k . w u n k[/b:lit] of YOUr Globey firing blind into the enemy.
>kehh heh heh
>narr ter make it woise
You press the last untouched facet of the Pinky Jool.
There's moar hard thunks, further off. You try listening harder but hear nothing.
Oh wait, something: YOUr Globey's stomping about.
It's gone <span class="mu-i">inside</span> the Sord Screen.
>QM rollan 6d12 damage for Globey moving through Sord Screen</span>