>>5294552<span class="mu-s">Turn 16</span>
Turn Song:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPf6lEjAnMQ Partially Decayed - Desecration (Singapore), one-man bandThe Yiddish gentleman's silk slippers glide on the floor smoothly, without making a noise, while his heavy jewelry, symbol of his status and pride of his clan, clinks loudly. With his two hulking body guards, he can flaunt his wealth without fear of getting robbed. You hastily get up from the ground and stand in front of him with a theatrical pose. You intent to use your <span class="mu-i">Fast-Talk</span> competence to get him to employ you. Working with slave traders could be an incredible opportunity for you; it's a field where you feel you could thrive. The key lies in speaking fast, and getting him to agree with a simple, reasonable statement at the end.
<span class="mu-b">"Mistah. Me work at mosque, clean floor, cut wood, grind grain, pour wata in bucket. Me work long time fo' Mastah Bezalel. Me drive limo, whip slavez, guard prizon. Mastah Bezalel gif me lots of work, every day, he very happy 'bout mine work. Da elvez are eazy-peazy to walk, me can walk dem fo' you. Ain't it eazy-peazy, mistah?"</span>
The slave trader's facial expression indicates he's getting annoyed.
<span class="mu-r">"Megnarg, what did I say?</span>
The hobgoblin steps in front of his him, and with two hands lifts his war club above his shoulder. Then, before you can understand the situation, he violently throws it down on your rib cage. You are savagely propelled on the floor, and rebound several times. You whimper in pain. It's certain, the muscular brute has broken your bones. His massive weapon, propelled by his gorilla-like muscles, could easily crush a door or a wall of bricks. You spit blood, wondering if he's damaged one of your vital organs. He lifts his weapon again, above the other shoulder.
<span class="mu-r">"That will be all. Let's go."</span>
<span class="mu-g">"Yessa,"</span> the hobgoblin answers.
Lying powerless on the floor, you watch them leave, with the beautiful elves behind. The one with the sparkling blue hair was particularly beautiful, and probably the most expensive of the lot. A creature of such superbness of beauty is probably worth millions in Singapore dollars, even more if she hasn't been defiled. The harsh pain makes you blink and close your eyes. You would have prefered to admire her curves one last time before she's gone, but the pain is unbearable.