>>5299052 >>5298001>>5299159>>5299165>>5299392Before you do anything, you release Syurm, who chitters happily before webbing herself onto your shoulder and settling in her accustomed spot.
She's surprisingly heavy compared to the last time you did this, but not uncomfortably so.
"Good to have you back. You miss me?"
She chitters again and nods.
"Same." You assure her as you make the call home.
It's the school-hour rush when your dad picks up, but he brightens as he sees you.
++"You're calling early."++ He observes. ++"Something happen?"++
"Not as such, I've just got a pokemon for Tom." You explain.
++"That's a relief. He's been taking good care of your Eevee and Growlithe, but he's been sulking about the fact you caught Sarah a Vulpix."++
"Well, if you give mum a ring and ask about the Sobble I caught, it's for him." You explain.
++"A Sobble?"++ Your dad says, taken aback and more than a little shocked. ++"You've certainly got a talent for finding rare pokemon."++ He observes.
You shift uncomfortably.
"I've gotten really lucky so far." You say modestly. "Can I talk with Tom?" You ask, giving him a wink.
He nods, before calling Tom over.
Your little brother hurries over, looking excited.
"Hey, Alex." He says. "What's up? I've been taking good care of your pokemon for you." He assures.
You can't help but grin. Your brother is nothing if not earnest to a fault.
"Just got a few pointers there for you." You say. "And wanted to check up on some stuff. How's Blitz been, taking it easy? Not giving Arcanine too much trouble?" You ask.
Tom nods.
++"Yeah, he's running around all over the place. He's been wrestling with that Luxio you sent home last night as well."++ He adds.
"Okay, try and get them to race instead of wrestle." You say as one of your concerns is confirmed. "I don't want them to wind up hurting themselves getting carried away." You say.
++"'Kay."++ He says nodding.
You nod before rattling off a list of other things to keep in mind regarding your team, including making sure Piker has plenty of Pecha Berries to eat and that he helps him practice with Water Gun and to keep up the good work with the rest of your team and to otherwise keep up his good work with school.
By the time you're finished, your dad's back with Sobble.
"...Anyway, you've been doing a great job so far." You preface, before nodding behind him. "So, I think you're ready for a pokemon of your own. Just don't go skipping school." You advise.
It's debateable Tom heard the last part as he spins around, then gasps as your dad hands over Sobble to him, before he turns back to you and you have to suppress a chuckle at just how very alike Sobble and your brother look just then.
++"...Thanks, Alex."++ Tom manages thickly, before Sarah calls him in the background and he runs off with a last 'gotta go.'
Your dad chuckles as he goes.
++"Was there anything else?"++ He asks.
(Part 1)