Somehow, in your drugged out state, this makes perfect sense to you. "Fuckin' Godspeed!"
He walks out the door and jaywalks across the road directly to the police station's entrance amid the smoky haze and flurry of fire.
>???You bypass the police station and go directly for the next area. On the approach it's clear to you they're not nearly as prepared as they should be. Road's not blocked, no IEDs have gone off, and there are no traps from what you can tell. Still, as you close the gap you can tell they're actually somewhat prepared. The entrance to the building has an improvised fighting position that basically consists of a bunch of sandbags stacked up to protect anyone covering the large open roads connecting the building to the road. Even if it's not the best position to take (you'd personally set up shop on the roof to get the high ground since Hollywood has taught you that once you take that it's over) manned sandbag positions are a step up from what you've had to deal with before.
>Decent Enemy Preparations: -3You dismount in the best position you can spot, a small island of cacti, signs, rocks, and other shit that give you some cover. Ideally you'd advance along a treeline, but unfortunately the trees lining the sidewalks are merely the kind of shriveled up pathetic husks you'd expect to find in the middle of the desert.
"You and you! Come with me," you shout as you exit the just stopped truck as bullets whiz by. "You, stay up there and cover us!"
A hail of fire suppresses the enemy and you advance between the obstacles to gain some precious distance. Enemy forces continue to blindly shoot at you as they hide behind their sandbags, but you just keep moving forward. If you were more sane you might choose a more cautious path, but the speed in your system reminds you that God will protect you from trifling matters such as enemy bullets or friendly fire. Once you close in about a third of the way, you pull out a grenade from your belt.
"Going in!" you shout as you toss the grenade and wildly fire at the fighting position. Smoke billows out as you three charge forward guns blazing. In the absolute chaos you reach for another grenade and toss it to where you think the fighting position you can no longer see is. You're not even sure what you threw until you hear a very, very loud bang while you're still moving through the black smoke. "C'mon c'mon c'mon!" you shout...