>>5242981Caroiline@localhost:~$ 0.5 @N0°W
Caroiline@localhost:~$ Status
>current error rate 25%Hull status critical!
>current location 38.6E 40.0N>Distance from nearest objective: 1.7>nearest objective location: 37.2E 41N>See printout...
Caroiline@localhost:~$ Help Error Rate
The error rate will make you either overshoot or undershoot both the angle and the distance. at 25% you will over or undershoot the distance by 25% of the expected distance. The error is weighted toward the expected value. The minimum distance a 0.5 move could move is .4 and the maximum is .6.
you cannot crash into the objective. only the walls. i apologize if that was not clear. still working out the kinks.