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And in the aftermath, the Samurai came to the place, and they held it, never intending to return it to the continent of heroes and its people. It was an outrage, and a criminal overstepping of boundaries, the Trinity blatantly intruding upon the borders of Woldor's country. Tensions had never been higher, and since then many years ago, they escalated.
The Darkness pours from the Afterseas, unstoppable. And the Trinity merely profits.
It was what made me realize what I could do. What I intend to do.
I want to redeem this world, and make it face its mistakes and overcome them. I want to purify everyone, and save them from this fate.
Redemption is my purpose. My name is Muna, and I am the Goddess of Mentality. I know it, and I feel it in my breast. I exist to save them. Who is them? Them all.
[MAJORDOMO] "Ehh, you okay there, chief? You're kinda zoning out on me."
'Mm... Sorry.'
I apologized to him, and focused my attention again. He knew that kind of disposition however. I needn't have even told him.
[MAJORDOMO] "I see. Just a bit question-y. Need some pointers too... Mmkay."
[MAJORDOMO] "Well, for starters, we were just traveling these roads... uhh... how about we take a moment to go over our powers here. After all, you are still an untrained Goddess, and we're only going to get better through experience."
'I agree.'
[MAJORDOMO] "Right! My graceful, horned friend! Before we kick off our righteous crusade and start up the Redeemin', let's review something."
[MAJORDOMO] "First of all, every entity in this world corresponds to the main two components forming the fabric of existence itself. Materia, and Spiritua. Can't have anything without a little of both in them. I think Materia is self-explanatory. It's the root of things like... the dirt. The wind, water and rain. And flesh, it's why things have bodies. Spiritua makes everything phenomenal happen. Magic, divinity like yours, emotions and karma. You name it."
[MAJORDOMO] "There's multiple elements that Spiritua subdivides into. Yours is the element of the Mind."
I was {Psychic}. I held dominion over this domain, but the concept was not limited to me. Everything that lived had a mind.
There was also the {Physical} force inherent in Materia. {Fire}, {Ice}, {Water}, {Wind}, and {Lightning}. Spiritua also gave rise to the {Dark}, {Light}, {Toxicity}, and {Nuclear} force.
[MAJORDOMO] "And don't forget your Truth. Every divinity has one. It's your reason, and it is a very, very powerful thing indeed. Sometimes, letting others hear your Truth and know it can mean the difference between success and defeat in a struggle. You win when they have to believe. Though... I don't think you've actually made one. You might need to get on that, ya' little slacker!"
'Majordomo, remind me please... what arts have I learned thus far?'
[MAJORDOMO] "We can see about that in a jiffy fore' we wake."
>I want to go over and select skills and affinities.
>I want to form my Truth.