Rolled 5, 5, 3 = 13 (3d6)
Guard 13/13
AP 6 Agility 4 RP 1
-Status: All well
-Status: Alive
[Health 2] :: [Psyche 2] :: [Grit 2]
[Reaction 11] :: [Focus 11/11]
[Sense 12] :: [Understand 10] :: [Influence 10] :: [Move 14]
[Brawling 14]
[9 Coldcoin]
[8 Bits]
[5 => 0 Luperni Jaegerhound FCS fuel cells (Wgt: 0)]]
Legion Quartermaster Contact - 8
[1 Rat Mark]
[1 Hygean Mark]
[A Good Bed, A Door That Locks, And Privacy] (Standard)
+ [An Easy Way Out] (Outstanding)
[Bland Food For A Week] (Standard)
> Clever trick. Attach 1 LJ-FCS fuel cell to one side of southern cranearm's rotational axis. Attach 4 LJ-FCS fuel cells to the cargo which it is currently lifting. Leveraging a disciplined mathematical rigor and nuanced comprehension of applied physics - which are two qualities that he definitely possesses - Riv calculates the specific timing required to realized his plan: overloading the first cell to cause the crane arm to begin spinning wildly, then after sufficient centrifugal momentum us built-up detonate the remaining cells would detonate - snapping the cargo container loose from its restraints and propelling it on a trajectory towards the Rat's warehouse, crashing through the southern wall in spectacular fashion. Yes, indubitably, every possible variable had been measured out and all contingencies accounted for in an exacting manner, the steely bands of cold logic enmeshed in the construction of this devious ploy are frankly indominable, impenetrable, and utterly incomprehensible in their elaborateness. Riv most definitely didn't just eyeball the problem for a few minutes, shrug his shoulders, haphazardly stuck the cells wherever felt right, set the timers randomly, then took a power nap beneath one of the nearby piers - no, this was a carefully choreographed cerebral feat of herculean proportions that most assuredly could not backfire in any way. (not sure what skill this would be)