Rolled 8, 8, 10 = 26 (3d10)
>>5761057“ I can’t die here, I’m on a *case* — a case of elder abuse STOP THAT MAN HE’S ASSAULTING A SENIOR CITIZEN.
>>5760960>—Take damage, HP 4. Vest -2 uses. Spent 8 ammo. Spent 9 Edge. >—Lightning Reload. 4/4 left.>[Furious Focus] Get FIRED UP. +1 Block/Damage/CritDamage>Lucha Loco Vault Attack: 1E, vaulting 4NE and slamming against the SWAT abusing the elderly. This is wrestling, so madre de dios, hit him with a chair. 1d10+4 Cool, then FISTS, 1d10, advantage = 2d10. 5D, 8Crit on 7+ [3d10]>Move move move: 1E, 2SE, 1E, 1N. >Pull a smoke and drop it 1NE, 1N>—Def 10, Smoke, Block 1, Vest 1, 4HPChiendetective.
Hp 4 / 7 | Edge 0/11 | Move 5
Def 8 | Crit 8
Cool 5-1 (4) | Sharp 5
Hard 0+1 (1) | Weird 1+1 (2)
Lighting Reload
Suppressing Fire
Fire Up (Thug)
Furious Focus (Familia)
+1Sharp (Snakeback)
+1Cool (Central City)
Lucha Loco (Fist Vault, +1d/+1c)
The Sun! (+1 Hard, +1Weird, -1Cool)
Heat: 0
Wanted: 1
-Twin Specials: R10, D2, c8, 4 / 4
-Fist: M, D2, C7.
-Armour Vest ( 1 / 3 )
-Smoke Grenade ( 3/3 )
!Tactical Pocket Lining {+1 Mag/+1Gear}