>>6097375Action 1: Research Fumancy (Smoke magic)
>The sun shan't come out that morrow>As aeternal Tenebria descends>Tinging the realm in black sorrow>Yet... a cackling peals through the harrow>As from everlasting Terra ascends>A river of shifting shadow- Seer Of Shadow,
>Independent experimentation on the fumes of Plumbum Dulce[1] was the origin of the school of Fumancy. While the discovery that different smokes caused different effects in shadows far preceded the first mining of the metal, the various effects were initially documented as points of curiosity.>Excerpt:>>Whan thy house occupiede by familie who hadde outstayed hir welcome fer past the witching hour, it is suggested to the best of everichone's interests to put thy shadow kin to bedde, thanne mixe plumbum candidum into the incense, and enjoie the panicked uniweder that ensueth.>>- Vekt Mudamir>>"Parfit Dapsilitie">The first claim of Plumbum Dulce's fume's effect as a mild Solaire-ward however redoubled interest in the subject. Initially relegated to idle scribes and suicidally-adventurous lads, catalogued effects of the various smokes were slowly compiled and reexamined from various frames of reference, and the bones of this tome slowly started to form.>We begin with the most basic of questions: Smoke and Shadows, why?1. "Terra's Bones: On Metals and Minerals. 3rd Edition"
- Rive Mudamir
"Apprentice Fumancy"