At the Circus there is of course a spare cannon for your ship, from the failed human cannonball act / accident or mishap lol unwittingly perpetrated by Maestro Charivari's blunders.
>>5489119At some point in the circus you would get a Bioware (or even worse David Cage Heavy Rain lol) style moral decision, where the wounded horse rider who escaped your river rope bridge massacre
>>5489707lol would show up and you would get a choice to quietly murder him so that the news of your slaughter antics did not spread or spare him etc.
>>5494510With Cymbal the Sad Clown Girl who spoke her palindrome spells, there was a planned thing about how she is actually a twin, her counterpart is Thimble (Cymbal and Thimble, hehe)
If you look carefully when she does her palindrome skeleton horde fire illusion on the Burning River
>>5489635her twin there Thimble is just her image mirror flipped left right along the vertical axis, her blue dog is held in the other arm etc. (Compare to the picture here
>>5489124 )I had some plans for weird Cymbal and Thimble circus twin antics with this hehe