The Black-Eyed Guard,
>>5344905sockets streaked with kohl or Black Myrrh, continues to gaze alone into darkness, with a haunted look.
Of the circle of guards
>>5344889>>5344894you observed earlier, you hear the following discussion:
(Frustrated Voice Guard)
-This stupid board game is stupid! There are not even any dice rolls! How do you lay wagers and bets when there are no dice...
(Distracted Lovelorn Guard)
-I am so in love with her. That new dancer girl at the Tilted Pagoda...
>>5344786She is so graceful! No other courtesan can compare to her. O, for but a stray glance, a lingering glance... (heavy-hearted sighs)
(Brutal Guard, sharpening blade with whetstone)
-She isn't a courtesan, you mooncalf!
(Mischievous Guard)
-You should persuade Graelent, over there
>>5344905to visit. But he has taken a Vow of Silence! Well, at least that leaves a tongue free to... you know...
(silence, stares at darkness)
You are donning the Executioner Mask,
>>5345140gesturing at your executioner sword and proclaiming your credentials from Lady Ursa...
It seems to be working, but then:
Frustrated Guard:
- Wait! Halt! If you have truly come at Lady Ursa's behest, she will have given you her Name...
The Brutal Guard abruptly stops sharpening his blade and also looks up at you expectantly.
>Write in what you plan to do...Try the choices from
>>5344913>Kill everyone, commence combat>Appeal to Graelent somehow? But has he actually taken a Vow Of Silence?>Speak Lady Ursa's true name.>Speak the true name of Urshull Vandal-Eye>Something else?