Quoted By:
It's time to clean the classroom before going home. The dustpans, brooms, cleaning clothes and buckets are out. But no vacuum cleaner or mop because the Japanese educational system demands genuine physical effort from students when cleaning. Even in winter, you have to dip the cleaning clothes into a bucket of cold water to wash by hand. It's absurd but Japanese adults spew lies and say it builds character.
You and Tomio are in charge of stacking the desks and chairs to clear space for the students responsible for cleaning the floor. It's not a particularly strenuous task, but stacking desks is tedious because you have to carry them in a certain way to not spill the contents left inside. Too many of your classmates just leave things inside the desk compartment since cleaning the classroom is a daily task. It's not a very fun task.
The chairs are a different manner. It's a bit of a game, one is the 'pitcher' and the other is the 'catcher'. Today, Tomio is 'pitching' the chairs clear across the classroom while you are 'catching' them to stack. So far no accidents have happened in the school year though your teacher has scolded you numerous times for the reckless game.
"Right, next chair. Ready? GO!" In a demonstration of immense physical strength, Tomio pitches the chair straight at you in one quick underarm swing. The innocent chair is a blur, it reaches you in a flash but your reflexes are sharp and swift too. With deceptive ease and gentleness, you catch the flying missile and stack it with the other chairs.
"And that's the last of them." You state with satisfaction.
"Man, you two are going to knock someone's head off one day." Yuuji comments as he soaks a cleaning cloth to wipe the window.
"Until that actually happens, we'll keep on doing it." Tomio says as he stretches and relax.
"We're still on for Saturday and Sunday right?" It's a good idea to confirm with your friends. It's not often that you get hangout all together. So you just want to make sure everything is firmed up.
"Yeah, I can definitely make it to Sunday. Masato said he wants to come too." Yuuji nods.
<span class="mu-r">Sunday plans confirmed with your old elementary school friend group: You, Tomio, Yuuji and Masato.</span>
"I guess it'll be just you and me at Crown Games Saturday after school then. The rest are too weak and cowardly to face me in Street Fighter." You lightly joke to Tomio. You can't wait to start playing that arcade game again, it's been awhile.
"Pfft, you got mad when I cheesed into victory last time with Chun-li. Like, horrible sore loser level." Yuuji snickers at the memory of a less than graceful concession to losing a few weeks ago. It's good to see he's mostly recovered his good cheer after that weirdness with the spooky Fortune Teller lady.