Hello all players of my quests, and any potential newbies!
Reading the /qst/ generals definitely shows to me that players are keen for a return to Sir Emile Andrei and Sworn to Valour. While I -will- start up Black Company 2230AD again in due course, it’s time to get our knigga off the boat!
I am locking in the date 15th July 2022, 8pm AEST as our official start in the next chapter of Sworn to Valour!
Currently finishing up reading the archived threads
https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Sworn%20to%20Valour and am suitably hyped! I do plan to update the paste bins and look at overhauling the wealth system, but the 15th July is my deadline!
See ya’ll pious kniggas there, no copper clippers allowed.