>>5968531>Interesting. Would a Crest of Chevalier implanted by Clay (if he had won the Blairbowl) have the same problems?It wouldn't. Clay (and by extension, Balthus, who he's got similarities with in the base game) received their Crests later in life with no issues. The method that the Saints use to impart Crests is a lot safer than how the Agarthans do it. The problems would stem if Blair wished to extend her lifespan like Clay did. She'd basically watch all her friends grow old and die. If she didn't choose to extend her lifespan, Clay still would, and he'd remain young while Blair grew old and alone.
>How would Rusalka fair if it was ruled by Captain Gerald?Pretty mediocre. He's a decent commander, but he's just that. He'd be an okay figurehead at best, but Rusalka would need stronger leadership at the helm.
>What about if Rusalka was ruled by Winona as its Regent?Better than Gerald. If Blair and Corrine stayed on to help, things would be just fine. If not, while they wouldn't be dire, they wouldn't be as good as they are now.
>If we had held onto our cash at the end of the previous thread, what could we have spent it on? Would holding onto some even past the final battle do anything?Elixirs and stat boosters. Don't think holding onto it past the final battle would do anything though. The final payment Blair received from the Knights of Seiros would be enough to live comfortably off of though. Plus Corrine would certainly have some gold stashed away.
>Now that we've seen the pinnacle of what Blair is capable of, how would you compare her to the other fighters in Three Houses?Gameplay-wise? She's cracked out. Probably only worse than Byleth or any of the final bosses. Crests aren't that big a deal in TH from a gameplay perspective, which to me always felt like a major let down. From my own lore perspective, I'd say she's just about at the pinnacle of what a normal human is capable of. I'd say she's even stronger than people with less combat-oriented Crests, like Mercedes or Linhardt. But there are still people around that would give her a run for her money. Byleth, Seteth and Ingrid all come to mind. Bernadetta and Ferdinand could also feasibly defeat her, but with much more difficulty as they lack their compatible relics. I'd put Blair just a level under them, along with Cormac and Kate. As for deceased characters, I'd say she's stronger than just about any TH character without a crest (Caspar, Raphael, Leonie and Petra, though she would be more difficult.)
>How about Blair versus other Fire Emblem Lords?Gameplay wise she'd dumpster just about all of them with the exception of maybe Radiant Dawn Ike and everything that comes after. From a lore perspective, that's a bit harder. I can't imagine she'd lose to the likes of Leif, Lyn, Eliwood, Roy or Eirika though.