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* correction, it is the FIRST bravo (the one who bumped into the other) who first draws steel.
To be fair Jess’ nonchalance at the pending violence is shared by many other bystanders, a few customers of the nearby stall shy away but only far enough for the more entrepreneur among them to start making bets. You can’t tell if they are making bets on whether there will be a fight, who will win or how long it will last. Jess stands a metre or so away from the pair, her back to you as you brush past the crowding spectators. It’s impossible to tell whether she is annoyed at the obstacle or confused at the verbose argument taking place in front of her.
<span class="mu-i"><span class="mu-g">“… ”</span></span> The second bravo, the one bumped into, looks his counterpart up and down, making a critical assessment of his opponent and finding him wanting. <span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">“Sono Giovanni della famiglia Giorgio. La lama più veloce di Langland e presto anche Cathagi. Una lama così affilata e lunga non dovrebbe essere impugnata da un uomo con un cazzo così piccolo.”</span></span>
You don’t speak the language, but you know fighting words when you hear them.
>“This should be entertaining.” It’s too late to intervene, the tone of the talk makes that much certain. While Jess seems nonplussed at the debacle in front of her, bringing attention to her presence or yours is only going to complicate matters. As for you, you’ve heard much of the skill of Langlish blademasters. Let’s see if they live up to the stories. You will keep a close eye on their fighting stance and styles, it could prove handy. [Haughty]
>“… Come Jess, easy does it. ‘Frin’ and all that. Step away from the two swordsmen.” You risk drawing the ire of the two incensed bravos by trying to pull Jess away, or worse involved in the combat itself. But your archer is standing a little too close to these two men on the verge of violence. [Hearty]
>“Mikail, stick by Jess. I’m going to try and talk these two down…” Jess is your charge and you must ensure she does not come to harm if possible. Talking two hotblooded Langlish bravos down is not part of your duties, but you do not wish to see blood in the streets over your archer bumping into someone. [Idealist]