You possess:
One of these days you will need to get rid of the hassle of fidgeting with entangled cables; inexpensive wireless earphones are readily available and offered by several brands, although you would probably need to upgrade your battered old phone first. But you have grown quite attached to your phone - after all, it is where you have stored that picture of Her.
>>6037310A photo taken of a photo. You wouldn't want to lose it...
You think about Finlay losing his phone. If his mysterious Hookup Girl had really taken his phone last night - and he is calling from an unknown number - how is she then calling him, threatening him? It doesn't feel right... But maybe he just has another phone, maybe he gave her several contact numbers. Maybe she sent him a threatening email or something. There is probably some explanation for it.
As you are pulling at the strangled knots of these wired earphones, a sudden burst of lyrics jolts you out of your reverie concerning Finlay's predicament.
>>6037501>"RUN A FADE">>6037526>play the voice message to Heather and Donnie RaoulThere is some volume control / playback toggle on these wired earphones and you must have accidentally pressed it. Your eardrums are blasted and assaulted by sonic bursts from one song, "All Girls Are the Same", another, "Already Dead", the playlist skips. You are not too sure about this artist, but wasn't that last song used in some annoying videogame?
You glance briefly at Donnie Raoul in dismay, and wonder if by the power of predetermination and proximity, invisible streaming playlist algorithms have already geolocated your position, decided upon your fix, and chosen to target incoherent rap lyrics as your next obsession. Heather always says she can tell what people are like from their music; you just need to really listen to them.