Quoted By:
"Ah… Ah sorta did the opposite and got taken out for it. Put mahself in harm’s way to win rather than help someone else get out of it like you. Ah reckon that is why Ah scored lower." You conclude before showing him your name on the paper at your new ranking, sixth, just below him. You guess you can’t technically consider yourself a “top-student” for the time being…
>"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that Ushi. Since you finished before we did, I had assumed it was an excellent passing effort. Was that the origin of your…sternum injury as well? " Iida asks after considering his words.
"Ah helped Uravity to detain Snipe and got shot a few times too many." You glance to the side and skip as many particulars about your bruising and Uraraka's landing as possible. Iida nods silently at you without asking for further detail. Thank God for that, the less people that know the specifics of your finale, the better. "’Hospitalized or likely dead' is the kinda result that docks some points off your grade, Ah bet."
>"Yes, I can see that being the case.” Iida continues to bob in sympathy. "I don't doubt you'll rise to the top again next term. Your dedication is admirable, after all. I would offer to assist to ensure you reach that goal, but your efforts during our class trials and other hurdles speak for themselves. So… Just do your best!"
“Thanks sugah, Ah'll try." You respond earnestly, slapping him on the back before taking the exam results and returning to your desk.You really appreciate Iida is always willing to back you up. His earnestness makes it easy to return the favor even when considering the clumsy and awkward turns of your friendship thus far.
"This'd be way easier if Sero was 'round." You mumble as you finally find some adhesive and use a lavish amount of it to stick the sheet on the wall besides the board and under the PSA screen.
Following a quick uniform and hair check, you stand by the class entryway with your reassuring smile at the ready and proceed to play the waiting game… which is made all the more quietly awkward by you not actually being alone. Iida, having retaken his seat and now boring a hole into the front board with his gaze, has no problem trouncing your statue impersonation with his own. Some sort of glare on the lenses of his glasses makes you unsure if he’s even blinking…
The minutes tick by and the tedium almost drives you to start shooting off questions just for the sake of making noise, like what exactly does Iida think about as he sits at his desk most mornings, waiting for someone to arrive. Thankfully, the door starts to slide open before you get <span class="mu-i">that</span> desperate.