The Weaver Girl frowns a little as you snatch two items, quickly donning the Dragon Sorceror Robes. But before she can protest, you see that
Le Maitre du Grand Plaisir has arrived, accompanied by Captain Balthasar (
>>5271045 ) and a detachment of guards.
The Maitre demands,
-Has the Elf been causing trouble? Where is the Elf? The Belsire, The Beldame and The Contessa are all waiting! They just want to see The Elf! And where is that buffoon Hieronymous Erde?
When you step forward imperiously, gesturing at yourself, the Maitre is overawed by the splendour of your raiment. Bowing deeply, he exclaims:
-Truly, you are a wonder to behold, O Noble Elf! I shall present you to the Court immediately!