> TURN 2>>5860257you have discovered no NPCs, there is no mountains
The Colonisation of the north along the river has begun, the local land is fertile albeit the the forests are very thick.
The cold south is warmed. Grand systems of canals are set up connected to grand furnaces burning wood and coal. An idea many locals begin to have is to use it for more than just heating houses, but rather to farm tropical crops from thesouth by making houses out of glass for them, technology to do so is not up to snuff yet as the nation lacks a clean source of sant or the skill to create large, flat colourless glass panels.
Military training and preparations take place. Lack of an iron source definitely is holding back the nations military might though.
>>5860269Applying animation magic to already alive plants to bolter their growth is an interesting idea albeit fails. A set only grows for the first time as such the knowledge of it’s growth cannot be implanted and a tree cannot repeat growth it has already experienced, through further experimentation the best that is figured out is the animation of the action of growing fruit and the trees then picking the fruit themselves. This manages to increase the industrial wand production as well as food output increasing national population.
Studying further acceleration you see yourself hitting a bottleneck basically the objects you speed up seem to ‘jump over’ steps that simply get compressed out of existence as speed increases. Accelerated balls seems to ‘teleport back’ white trying to go faster for example.
Your nation being isolated protects it from foreign cultural problems, but it is both getting crowded and has little internal cohesion.
Your constant push for excellence grants you a special Character:
“Accelerator” - the mad mage
A mage with exceptional combat prowess who gave himself schizophrenia by using animation magic on himself and thus become able to accelerate himself giving him exceptional combat prowess in exchange for high mental instability. No other mage seems able to replicate his actions he may be a great asset in cobat situations and duels.
>>5860438Studying bests goes as you described (yeah they are what you wrote in the lore). Mostly unintelligent critters distinctly unnatural albeittrying to fill a niche in nature to survive. tragically enough in your research you also find piles of corpsesbeing of which existed only a few too bizarre to survive at all.
others even filling niches natural beings could not like consuming minerals and digging grand stone tunnels. You find one specific one the gem beetle that can be farmed. A simpel rabbit sized creature the beatles carapus grows colourful gems on it’s shell akin to gems that become a popular decoration and jewelry item.