Quoted By:
<span class="mu-r">. . . We're business partners. Surely rational men such as ourselves can look past certain unfortunate incidents and move together in the dawning of a grand new age? </span>
Captain "Red Snake"
<span class="mu-g">. . . Does my superiors know about this?</span>
<span class="mu-r">Matter of fact, little coldblood, they suggested it. And made the introductions. Our friend here was entirely amenable after the initial instinctive flaring up of theologically grounded loathing. But if he can look past the anathema of all he holds dear, you can certainly do the same.</span>
Captain "Red Snake"
<span class="mu-g">I don't buy that for one solitary second of all the sunlight that boils out of that guys ass. You, with the corona of smugness. You owe me a knife. </span>
<span class="mu-r">Ah, little coldblood, a knife I think is the least the honourable ambassador owes you and your people. After all: You've been so very helpful with this project.</span>
Captain "Red Snake"
<span class="mu-g"><span class="mu-i">That's</span> what this is about? You can't possibly be trying to -- it didn't work for-- it CAN'T WORK for-- Do you *know* what happened to -- It won't work.
It *can't* work. Even Gerean and all her pet little godlings couldn't reproduce the same iteration! You're-</span>
Pyrelighter Ambassador Voracious Culmination
<span class="mu-i">Playing with fire?
Worry not, little blind wanderer.
We have some experience with this.</span>