>>5717444>I don't know the quest mechanics behind a Coordinator altering themselves.you roll three things
as anyone would figure out, mastery if the degree of knowledge on any particular subject. helen would need to grind Coordination mastery to git gud. the rate of learning is determined by int
that being said: fail the roll, and there will be consequences. rarely deadly, but, soul gems are delicate
>Eh, I think the Relay will be opt-in or opt-out by the time A teaches Helen.A already knows Helen is connected to Erika, so...
>I could understandably see Helen disliking people knowing her thoughts.hey, who knows. even if she had a harsh past (and even if it's unlikely that her mindset will ever truly change compeltely) helen is still a little
>but you'll either have to practice on your soul gem or convince somebody to let you meddle with theirs.even erika has to grind mastery sometimes. omniscience gave her superficial knowledge of everything but the finer print is still there, and knowledge put into action always spuns new questions to be answered
>I'll let the QM reign in on that one, not immediatly trying to pummel Hush was weird, junkie or not.i did think about it at the moment. there are two elements to this, both psichological.
a) when you get shot, for example, you'd think you should just run like hell, it would be the most optimal strategy- but pain won't let you think. and psychological pain is pain indeed.
b) at the moment, erika was like drowning in despair- the last thing she'd think was to pummel her only source of air. if a priestess would have gotten any of you (and there had been THREE chances for that to happen and it never did) you'd have to roll mind each turn to break free, getting harder each time- but with Hush? you are fucked. totally fucked. not even the bookshield would save you from gradual peace magic buildup
>she would need to decypher it first from the Bookshe wouldn't need the magicae to learn what the Coordinators already know, only to learn what they don't know yet- and good fucking luck with that, srsly
>>5717549>Can't get rid of the image of super martial artist Kruppman now.she /knows/ how to be bruce lee 2.0, and even how to get there through training but, but! the grind is still there. those circuits in her brain still have to be engraved with the habits, and that takes time
>>5717559>because you would have died. that's itthe OoE rarely kills anyone. most likely Erika would have ascended to Bob Marley levels of peace
>did Grandpa K ever pass his knowledge of Gun Fu to Erika, QM?simply put: yes. she still thinks about that one elk. she thinks a lot about it
man maybe we should archive just in case
but its still like ten days away right?