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Your mind is clear and fresh after that 'relaxing session' you had with your Holy Knight. However Gerty might be knocked out for a good chunk of the day. Oh well, at least you both had fun.
Going between the Arcane Laboratory and the Machine Shop you now pondered what type of clankers you wished to create.
You played around with the idea of making specialized machines that would be able to fly using propellers like some sort of pseudo-helicopter. Somehow. Either the laws of aerodynamics were different in this world or this was some more Savant-bullshit you were messing with.
They would be useful to guard <span class="mu-i">The Vixen's Luck</span> while she was flying, could patrol the mansion, and acted as decent scouts. While versatile and relatively cheap, they didn't have good defenses and could be destroyed with some bullets or a strong enough punch. The better armored ones ended up being no more than glorified hovering turrets that lacked most mobility. You tested out glider variants, using what you remembered from the pirate glider as a reference, that impressively flew for around half a mile. Sadly airplanes were too advanced to reproduce in this era. You'd heard of some airships that could fly relatively quickly at the expense of cargo space and weaker hulls, but that was neither here nor there.
Creating small fish-like and classic steampunk submarine clankers wasn't out of the question, the same could be said about boat clankers. These would have good synergy with the BoatMech, especially when it came to naval scouting and supporting any attacks you make while in large bodies of water.
You wondered if your mech could be modified to go underwater...
Another idea emerged in a bout of Lunacy Savantae; Armored clankers that acted like a walking tanks. Each iteration would bear a type of cannon or, more ambitiously, a rocket launcher. Thanks to Eastian science, early missiles were now a thing. Though they had various limitations that could be expected from Victorian science, it was still impressive that the tech has gotten so far. Ruby knew a little about rockets from what she'd wrote, and was generally interested in new technology.
You felt like this world's tech system was all sorts of fucked. You also felt like complaining to Herta about it.
Anyway, the strength and defenses of these armored clankers would be unmatched, only coming second to the BoatMech.
There was always the option to just focus on making more of the standard walkers that looked like clockwork toys. These were easy to mass-produce by hand, were reliable and familiar.
Of course you could look into creating a slightly superior versions of the originals. These heavy-clankers would each wield a makeshift pneumatic machine-gun and better plating.
Hybrid versions could also be built, but they'd likely be lacking in both specializations. Basically becoming a jack of many trades and the master of none.