Quoted By:
"Um," you say. "Yeah, it does seem like that. About?"
Gil starts, but Richard waves a gloved hand in front of his mouth. "Mr. Wallace expressed concern about the status of his <span class="mu-i">Chrysomelidae,</span> which are at present, I believe, encapsulated entirely within a semi-solid mass of goo. I proposed some help with extracting a sample, which I believe would go some way toward assuaging—"
"He wants to cut me open," Gil hisses. "Which i-i-isn't really <span class="mu-i">surprising,</span> but he's normally not so goddamn blatant about it. There's no way I—"
"Charlie," Richard says. "It'd be an <span class="mu-i">incision.</span> A brief and painless one."
>[A1] Back Richard up. Is Gil really that scared of a little cut? Did he hear all the stuff Pat was saying about goo not feeling pain? Geez, doesn't he want to see the beetles? He's just being a stupid negative thinker, which you can't and won't support.
>[A2] Back Gil up. Who cares what kind of cut it is? If he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it, and it's not nice to badger people forever about things they don't want to do. You'd know. (Also, he's your retainer, so you're automatically sworn to defend him and whatnot.)
>[B1] How are they both already here? Weren't you the first one out? (And isn't this *your* manse? It doesn't seem quite fair.)
>[B2] Okay, Richard, what *is* with the lack of snake? Is it dead, or has he just decided to bum around as a person all the time?
>[B3] Could Richard take a look at Gil's new body without cutting him open, please? You want a second opinion on anything Pat touches.
>[B4] Is Richard... feeling okay? He's vanishing for no reason a lot more than he used to.
>[B5] Tell Richard he's not allowed to say that he loves you. He's not.
>[B6] Write-in. (You'll most likely have another round of conversation after this, so no rush.)